As most of you know the monthly 40 year old White dwarf was replaced by a weekly publication that was hard to get your hands on, but after many months they decided to make it monthly again and available outside GW stores. Nice! This is the first of these new monthly magazines.
Hmm, for a while and even before the weekly edition the content of WD was a bit lacking and expensive for what it offered so I confess that I was naturally not inclined to buy it. I looked at the price tag 5.99 pounds 150 pages thick and actually it's not that bad… still not totally convinced. That was until the shiny new sprue of one of my favourite new Age of Sigmar miniatures was part of that deal. I mean the Slaughterpriest miniature alone is 18 pounds!
Yeah I got it.
I took some quick pictures of the magazine and contents.
Awesome miniature sprue.
The contents.
Huge 4page spread of the army of the month.
Battle report for AoS
Lovely artwork!
Next month.
These pictures only scratch the surface of what this White Dwarf brings in this month. There are loads of rules, cards, missions, extras gaming contents for all games known to mankind to keep any wargammer happy. If your more painter hobby inclined there is, army or the month, painting tutorials, Golden demons as well as readers paint jobs, conversions ideas etc etc… If you like a bit of everything there was the tale of 4 gamers as well as lots of Killteam things to keep you interested. Overall quite a good magazine.
Now for my final judgement…
Would I buy if there was no free miniature? No.
Now that I have seen it will I buy the next ones? Occasionally yes.
Will not subscribe it since I believe this is a 6 pound impulse buy more than something essential for my hobby. Positive effort and I'm also quite happy with the free miniature.