To start the new year rocking I finished up what is to be the crew for my Age of Sigmar rock lobber.
Not going to lie but I never liked any of the O&G war machines model wise and the fact that most these days are in Finecast (a material I refuse to buy in any shape or form) sealed the deal for me. Redo, sculpt or convert all my war machines.
A few months back I finished up an conversion of the Doom diver and now I basically sculpted a huge rock giant to stand in as my rock lobber.
Here you go.
The full crew with the bully.
Little conversions going on with the Savage goblins with pick axes, but nothing ambitious.
Only need to sort out a few things before I call this project complete, I will need another rock lobba in a different position and get them some big bases, but for now its done. Happy 2016 all.