Sunday, 2 September 2012

Creeping infection base set

Last week Secret Weapon miniatures released a new set of bases with a very bug theme... Creeping Infection!

I had the pleasure to sculpt these disgusting bases and infest them with hundreds of little worms and maggots and all kind of nasty things in a field of strange fungus and rotting flesh sand... Overkill I know but it was really fun thing to sculpt...

Funny enough with these bases I achieved my goal for sculpting in 2012... I managed to sculpt 100 Pieces Muhahahaha... Whats next?


  1. I like the little fungal chumneys. I do something similar for Nurgle/rot bases. The maggots are just great, especially in massive revolting piles!

  2. Yes! You can never go wrong with bugs all over the place :)

  3. As time flyes by... woohoo 100 sculpts!

  4. Totally mental thing... this year has been a huge little revolution on my life.

  5. Navarro, those are amazing, truly inspiring!!!! I posted a blog on my site, hope you don't mind.


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