My Nurgle team is now completed modeling wise. The latest addictions include 3 new Chaos warriors and one big nasty worm from hell,
the Beast.
Quite funny little side project that was a breeze of fresh air on my 28mm collections, and no I'm not referring to the nauseating Nurgle stench. I think this closes all the sculpts finished on 2012 and what a crazy year it was. Some projects are still halfway and will only see the light of day in 2013.
But without further delay here's the
The warriors from the left to the right:
The crabby, The dumb, The french kisser and the Nurgling thrower.
The Beast of nurgle is just one mini I had for ages and always wanted to paint besides you can't go wrong with bugs!
Its quite a big bug here's some scale pics.
Thats it! My Bloodbowl team is all done now they just need some paint on!
19 minis is the bulk of the team plus options but I still need to sculpt some markers and cheerleaders.
10 rotters, 4 beastmen, 4 chaos warriors and the Beast of Nurgle.
The Bloodbowels are alive!