Sunday, 16 October 2016

Giant Octopus

Every year there is one sculpt that for some reason is either more demanding or just memorable and for 2016 this has got to be the one.

About a month or two ago Otherworld miniatures commissioned me to do a Giant Octopus. It was a great chance for me to have a go at one of the coolest creatures ever. I mean their camouflage is on a totally different level, they can actually change their skin textures, colours and shape to resemble all kinds of environment or creatures.
Have a look on google and you guys will be surprised of what they can do.

Well I did some sketches and finally decided to go with the heavy textured look for our Giant Octopus.
This has proven to be extremely time consuming but in the end I'm happy with it. It took me great deal of patience to do all of those little details.

So there you have it my most challenging sculpture of the year. What a great project will never forget the infinite hours of pain!

Giant Tentacles

Before I went for the actual Octopus sculpt I started working on some individual giant tentacles which Otherworld miniatures also expressed interest in.
Basically these would be like as if the creature was still inside a lake or swamp and its tentacles would be coming over to try to grab you. Remember LOTR " Do not disturb the waters" and that is pretty much the idea for these pieces.

I only sculpted 4 of them but they should be more than enough for anyones tabletop adventures.

Design wise I tried to build them in a way that they are balanced enough that they would not require any base to be added. Textures were time consuming.

Octopus Concept

About a 45 days ago Otherworld miniatures asked me if I was interested in doing a Giant Octopus sculpt for their range and as part of my sculpting adventures I always like to doodle some concepts.

This is what I came up with.

I wanted an octopus with a very rich textured skin and little did I know how hard it would be to sculpt it. Next updates will cover the sculpt and some extras I created for this very demanding project.