After painting a couple APC's for my Rangers it was now the time to figure out a nice color scheme for all my miniatures.
I wanted to have fun with a vivid color choice but didn't want to push it to far because I still want a bit of realism on my little SciFi troops.
Since I never really painted 15mm before I followed the advices of some more experienced painters... and the first tip was always:
- 15mm should have high contrasts to stand out!
With that in mind I choose some saturated brownish and greenish tones for my minis...
I also tried something that people always advised not to do in 15mm minis and that was battle damaged armor... Well I tried it out and it was not that bad, It kind of looks okish for gaming figures and I will paint all my Rangers for my Caravela Fleet with these colors.
Ground Zero Games Miniatures are SUPERB! I mean these are soooo detailed that they rival some of the 28mm stuff I have and they are so sharp that they almost paint themselves alone.
Nice sculpts, sharp casting, lots of details & very fast to paint... 15mm is simply great.
Rangers UNSC Color Guide
- Citadel Skull White Spray Primer
- Vallejo Model Color 70890 Reflective Green
- Vallejo Model Color 70833 German Cam. Bright Green
- Vallejo Model Color 70857 Golden Olive
- Citadel Wash Thraka Green
- Vallejo Model Color 70880 Khaki Grey
- Vallejo Model Color 70857 Golden Olive
- Vallejo Model Color 70971 Green Grey
- Vallejo Model Color 70880 Khaki Grey
- Citadel Wash Gryphone Sepia
- Vallejo Model Color 70978 Dark Yellow
- Vallejo Model Color 70971 Green Grey
- P3 Coal Black ( speckle painting)
- Vallejo Model Color 828 Woodgrain
- Vallejo Game Color 28 Dark Green
- Vallejo Model Color 70833 German Cam. Bright Green
- Vallejo Model Color 70947 Red
- Vallejo Game Color 6 Sun Blast Yellow
- P3 Coal Black
- Vallejo Model Color 70903 Intermediate Blue
- Vallejo Model Color 990 Light Grey
- Citadel Wash Badab Black
- Vallejo Game Color 28 Dark Green
- Vallejo Model Color 737 Green Fluo
- P3 Coal Black
- Vallejo Game Color 28 Dark Green
- Vallejo Model Color 737 Green Fluo
- Citadel Wash Thraka Green
- Vallejo Model Color 918 Ivory
- Vallejo Gloss Varnish
- Vallejo Model Color 873 US Field Drab
- Vallejo Model Color 70939 Smoke (wash)
- Vallejo Model Color 873 US Field Drab
- MIG P234 Rubble Dust
- MIG P026 Concrete
- Army Painter Battle Fields Swamp Tuft 6mm
- GF9 GFS017 Meadow Blend
That is it, now to paint full squads of little rangers!