I have a soft spot for these style of games so you can imagine how happy I was when they released the first pictures of what they have been doing.
Fenris Games Sulaco floor tiles
Knowing Fenris games legendary talent to cast resin in a quality level that you would be amazed, these are indeed some cool tiles that I need for both my 28mm and 15mm!
But that's not all this is just the beginning since here are some wip shots of the walls they are also doing for these previewed Sulaco tiles.
Drooling material hey? And since I usually don't do reviews of things that I'm not directly involved either as a sculptor or collector I will just say this, I have these tiles with me and I have been working on them because I believe that all spaceships do need Bug things ;) So if you like spaceships and alien things you will probably like what it's been developed for Fenris games.
More information on Fenris Games site here!